People are frugal with money, but waste so much…

Jul 29, 2018 | Blog, Saving Money



“If each of us could have the tally of his future years set before him…how alarmed would those who saw only a few years ahead, and how carefully would they use them!”

– Seneca, On the Shortness of Life



How many days do you really have left?

According to the National Council on Aging: If your 65, you have 6,935 days left.

Sleep 7 hours a day?

Now you have 4,912 waking days left.

Remember, 84% of people aged 65+ are coping with at least one chronic health issue…




Stop waiting for things to be perfect; live your life immediately.

The number one regret of the dying:

“I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Just a few days ago, four blocks away from our home, a 32-year old woman drown.

She was checking in on a cat during a flash flood.
The basement she waded into flooded when a basement window broke from the water pressure.
The torrential down pour wrecked our family urban farm too, but nobody in our home died.

I just kept thinking…That could of been me…



My last days

Probabilistically, I’ve got around 13,688 (awake) days left.

But…Any day could be my last…

Seeing my days tick off my existence timeline pushed me to make a real change in my life.

And…Finally, as my friends say, I launched a flat fee-only financial planning firm: MARGIN.


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